Dream Interpretation For A New Job

New Job Dream Interpretation / Transcription

Hi Everyone... I thought since it's a new year and I'm still having dreams regularly that I would start posting them directly in the forum instead of recording them and then posting them later. (I have been recording dreams all along but I don't seem to get the time to put them in here. There are tons of dreams on my computer and recorder that haven't been posted.)

January 17, 2012
I was living in a house or apartment with a male and female roommate. I think the male was Henry (an ex-boyfriend) and the female was a foreign girl who was new to the country. I had just started working for Red Cross again as a home support worker and I believe the girl was also working for the same place. It was morning and Henry was in the shower and the girl and I both needed to have a shower before going to work so there was a line up for the bathroom. My hours of work were going to be light, only 3 or 4 hours a day. That night we went to a concert. It seemed to be an amateur band night. I remember a young guy offering the lead singer of the band money because he liked their music and then again to play a certain style of music. I forget the song he asked them to play.

Transcription by Adam Kadmon: February 26, 2012 

1. This dream about an ex-boyfriend of Linda's living in an apartment will be the next transcription. In this dream everyone is waiting for a shower. When you are waiting for a spiritual cleansing you have a lot of evil that you need to get rid of. It is a human's nature and part of our make up to require a spiritual cleansing often and you cannot evolve without it.

2. Whenever a prophecy of God is given for the future intervention of God we need a process that will reverse some evil. Right now we have some confusion and evil happening in Syria which is causing very much tension in the Middle East. There is a lesson we can learn from all this confusion.

3. We can't reverse this evil and confusion unless we learn what is really causing this evil. When evil is rampant in a region of the world it will grow very quickly when there is no one who tries to stop it. Every plan of Lucifer's is based on not letting God intervene and this is how evil evolves so quickly.

4. There is a symbol of the Red Cross in this dream of Linda's. So what is the reason for this symbol in this dream that Linda had. This is very important because their help is needed in the region that is affected. You cannot resolve a conflict by causing more suffering in this area.

5. We have learned in the past that compassion is needed and expected by your God even for your enemies, and this is the catalyst which will help reverse confusion in the region. We need to seek compassion in every life that we are connected to. When we have a reaction that is only based in evil, then Lucifer's plans will have success. They have begun to enter into a new phase of negotiations. This is symbolized in this dream with the money offered to the lead singer. It also represents the sanctions that are happening in Syria right now.

6. Adam's dream about "stealing money" also had a connection to the actions that are currently happening there. Now lets get back to the dream of Linda's. There was a bathroom that people were lined up to have a spiritual cleansing. Now this lesson will begin to reverse some evil.

7. Many of the symbols in her dream are really connected to Syria's current response. First they will have to find which comes first. There's a chance they will find reason to free all the people that are sick and dying. In Linda's dream she said she would only be working three or four hours a day with the Red Cross. This is the current situation that is really needed to assist the sick and injured people in the area.

8. Then, at night she decided to go for some entertainment. We shall show you this symbol also fits into this event. Linda went to see an amateur band. The symbol of an amateur represents someone who needs more practice. If someone is an amateur, they have experience in something that is valuable. There will be those who appreciate they strive to be better. Everyone gets better with more practice at something that they like to do. They are really storing mentally a way to evolve in something. What is the evil in trying to get better in something that helps people grow spiritually? We know because they are amateurs, their performance will not be perfect. If they separate every note that is out of cord, they would not be able to make music at all.

9. So what can we learn from this? If you know that practice will make you better in the future, you will try harder to learn something that is very difficult and most of you won't worry if you make mistakes. And if you begin to worry about every little mistake, it will cause a delay in learning.

10. There was a symbol of this young person offering the lead singer money because he liked his music. We have learned that money is a symbol for spiritual freedom in this religion. The young person is a symbol and represents somebody who has found a new religion and begun to feel the spirituality of it, even if it isn't the same style that he likes. So he found a reason to ask for a change.

11. If we can capture the beauty in something different that we are not normally attracted to, then we can begin to have a spiritual change. If we find reason to try and project our own vision and change it, then we forget the spiritual change that we began to have.

12. So why is this lesson so important here? You have to feel and love the spiritual change that God gives you with every act of intervention. When you feel your direction changes because of the intervention of your God, you will begin to evolve spiritually. When you begin to look for God's intervention, then you will be able to find it and move in the direction he wants you to go. When we look for the opportunities that are given to each and every one of us by God then we will be able to take advantage of them.

13. We shall have a prophecy for this dream. We shall begin to see a change in some of the Middle Eastern countries with regards to the release of confusion and serious conflicts. We are not approaching Armagedden. They will reverse in the river of reasoning and begin to realize the evil they are causing and begin to work on improving their love for all of humanity. This is a prophecy which comes with a reversal of evil which you will see happen in the midst of all this confusion. We know this will happen with the help and intervention of your God.

14. So you must not worry for it will be better and there finally will be peace in the region. Once we see the kinds of mistakes that could of been released in an evil way by Israel,  we learn from the lessons of the past. When we learn that a release of evil causes more evil, we can find a reason to provide compassion to those that have pain and suffering.

15. We cannot forget what we have learned from the past that has prevented our spiritual growth. You will see a reversal of religious evil in the area as well. This is a prophecy that will begin to take place in the year of 2017. We will see how it will evolve over the next 5 years. We are on a mission.


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All transcriptions by Ryan Reynolds are © copyrighted and they may be used in sermons and spiritual meetings. However, they may not be reproduced and distributed in any form without the written permission of Ryan Reynolds (The New Adam Kadmon). If used on websites you are required to make references in each transcript to the author and website  http://theangelscrolls.com

All these dreams are transcribed by R. Reynolds while he is in receival. They are written exactly as he hears them. Only minor alterations have been made to correct spelling mistakes and grammar. The dates, transcriptions and prophecies have not been altered to coincide with future events so you can trust in the confirmations in the articles provided. If you would like to have a dream transcribed or get involved and experience the dream transcriptions and prophecies personally, please contact adam@godwantsyoutolisten.com