Dreams to Be Transcribed

December 26, 2014


I was at a large beautiful house in the recroom. Not sure if I was working there or if I was with someone that was working there. We were doing something there. Looked out on the lake and saw a bunch of large hoovercraft vehicles racing around on the lake. It could have been winter because hoovercraft can go on water and ice. I went to go to the store and had to walk up a hill. I get there and there was a line up and one lady doing the cash and there were people waiting. I had two items and I wanted to pay for each item using different currencies and when she told me the price and it was a chocolate bar and I wanted to pay the different currency for the other item. When she told me the price of the chocolate bar I was floored by the price because it was $26 I said that's rediculous. So I put back the other item and asked her how much for just the chocolate bar and that I would pay Canadian money for it. $8 and something I was outraged and asked others how much they would pay becuase normally it would only cost $1.30 Meanwhile the lineup was getting longer and the people were getting frustrated and the lady was trying to figure out why the machine was charging so much and she was frustrated. I was back at the house and showing somebody something but I can't remember what it was. The family that owned the place came in and went through the room. I can't remember what was in the room or what I was doing at the time.


Linda Marie

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