Dreams to Be Transcribed

January 3, 2015


I was on the street in front of an old brick building with a group of people. They had a plan to give this building a new life by putting sign vinyl on the wall to change the look of the outside of the building. Myself, I wasn't sure they would be successful because vinyl doesn't stick well to rough surfaces and it would have to form to all the crevices. I wasn't doing the job, I was just there, maybe for advise or something. There was guy across the street and nobody seemed to like him very much. But he also had a sign shop so I think that my feeling was to ask him what he thought would happen when they tried to apply the vinyl to the building. I remember going over there and something happened; there were people after him and even the police were involved. Someone was in trouble and they were trying to get this person. I was in this building and I was hiding in the back room and trying not to get hurt. I don't really remember much about it, it could have even been in a resturant and it wasn't in his building, I'm not sure. There were police all around trying to get him and I guess they got him. Anyways, at the end they put the vinyl on the building and it was amazing because it was transformed into this totally black brick building with alot of character and then there was a window that went right on the old window that made it look like a toy shop window and it was really neat how it looked when it was done.


Linda Marie

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