The Afterlife

The Afterlife

This one is a confirmation of a dream transcription that I did years ago called "The Ladder of Spirituality". As a confirmation, Victor said in reverse: Yes, I've arrived in many forms of life.

This recording could be a bit scary for those of you who may fear the unknown or the spiritual world. I hope not because I have been doing this for many years and have only had a bad experience once when listening to the recordings or doing the translations or transcriptions. That was when I listened to a reverse recording of a suspected killer. We later found that he was guilty and he was convicted of the crime he claimed he did not do. When I connected to it I knew I was listening to pure evil so I never did it again.

I called this the afterlife because some of you may be able to experience someone you know from the spiritual world trying to contact you. If you listen carefully to the third part of this, you will hear a strange sound that sounds like a "tuning in process" and Victor says something to the effect of it being "strange" and that someone is making comments other than himself. I do not remember this recording when I made it 16 years ago, and am not sure what is happening in the background, but all of a sudden there are numerous voices speaking in it now.

Victor also says some very interesting things in reverse that may confirm that reincarnation exists and beyond that, how we arrive in many different forms of life, and one of them might be when we swam in the sea, during our spiritual evolution.

Keep in mind that some of these recordings have some interference in them, and it is not easy to translate what he is saying at the best of times. Aside from that, there is a substantial amount of content in it that is correct, so you should be able to hear and understand what he is talking about for the majority of it. I believe as I do more of his recordings with this new process, they will get better and we are going to find out many things in relationship to the meaning of life and how it all comes together spiritually through God. See the text below the video.


Victor said:

1.(rev) If we look at love, eventually 4.5-7.2
(for) it can stop a gad practice.

2.(rev) It's the only reason we are seeking it. 7.2-10.5
(for) And it is right once given a voice.

3. (rev) It's strange if you can't listen to a formula 10.5-16.2
(for) that can be different from things you might choose. Just to hear it

4. (rev) is reason for us having a passionate life. 16.2-18.7
 (for) If your reaction is making us passé

5. (rev) they are missing it in a museum. 18.7-22.1
(for) Ryan seeks something and Victor said "Ryan

6. (rev) say nothing," we're still teach you. 22.1-24.7
(for) Good, we're just coaching your toughness.

7.(rev) Do you know all stages of life?  24.7-27.4
(for) What forces change can try the truth.

8. (rev) This history will grant you freedom. 27.4- 30.5
(for) The comment right here. (life doesn't make all this up.") Future seeds  

9.(rev) usually need some rain in reality, 30.5-33.2
(for) if there for your gain. The future will sleep with me

10.(rev) giving dreams of peace. (truth) 33.2-35.7
(for) We'll seek it while it's near. Do you think

11.(rev) if we excite eager energy (we'll have some help?) 35.7-39
(for) Victor is sturdy spiritually. Yes, I've

12. (rev) arrived in many forms of life. 39-42
(for) Victor has started and this call

13.(rev) really helps yourself. It scientifically  42-44.6
(for) engaged us. Especially to Ryan.

14. (rev) We will look through your lives deeper,  44.6- 47
(for) starting a challenge that's for today.

15.(rev) See if this involves you. It might! 47-49.2
(for) Yo, where's your competency

16.(rev) if you are not sure how you have swam in the sea? 49.2- 52
(for) This cannot careen when you're stuck.

17.(rev) Our purpose will be life's food so you will know. 52-55
(for) Can we just prove it? Did you have supper?

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