A Fuzzy World

A Fuzzy World -Victor's Quantum Recordings Experiment 1

I have to admit that I really screwed up my first translation of this one and had to redo it. It makes much more sense now. For me, I find it much easier to do a dream transcription than a translation because with a transcription I know what I hear and just transpose the words as I write them down. However, the translations are much more complicated because I need to show others how I hear them and that becomes a little more difficult because the interaction with the quantum waves can make it a bit fuzzy at times. When connecting to it, I not only have to provide the translation but the sound and the visual image as well. So there is a process with some of the recordings that seem to evolve as I put more effort into them.

Believe it or not, lately, I have been experiencing a new phenomenon with them too. Often upon reviewing what I have done, I will hear a pulsing sound during certain phrases, which prompts me to go back to them. I believe I am being signaled that they are incorrect translations. So when I went back to this one to put it in the new format I have chosen, (which is 2 samples of the forward and reverse instead of 3) I was hearing the pulsing quite a bit and decided I needed to go over the entire recording again.

One of the reasons I found this one so difficult was because of the word "Fuzzy" in his forward speech. During the past, I have listened to this recording many times and believed Victor was saying "Fuzzy" because he had a toy with that name. Recently I began to realize that he had difficulty pronouncing the "th" sound and he would often substitute it with "z".  For instance, if you say the words "and fuzzy" really quickly, it can sound like "empathy", if one had an accent. So sorry about that, I still have much to learn when it comes to the translations, so you may find that when I go back to a translation later, I might have to fix it if I hear something different.

Here is the link to the raw audio file. The caption text and timings are below the video.  http://www.theangelscrolls.com/victorsample1.mp3

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This is what I believe Victor is saying in this one;

  1. Love you seek will seem fuzzy. (0-5 sec)

(rev)There is a reason we show love.

  1. A pure image is harder to see (4-12.5 sec note: 1 sec overlap)

(rev) if it's not speaking

  1. with passion. Love is empathy. (12.5-20)

(rev) Love is something you should know in suffering.

  1. Has empathy become your tools? (20-26 sec)

(rev) So Ryan here's the mission.

  1. To seek what's in the mirror. Come see, come see. (26-33)

(rev) Especially, when our dreams have reason, will we listen.

  1. When I go seeking spiritually (33-42 sec)

(rev) and giving lessons, it's love.

  1. Can you go seek it? The gate is here. (42-50 sec)

(rev) Listen, it isn't a mystery (it's true).

  1. Now with empathy begin and engage your truth here. (50-60 sec)

(rev) My soul is speaking and there's a reason.   


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