Chapter 3- Policies, Procedures and Prophecies

Chapter 3- Policies, Procedures and Prophecies



Chapter 3- Policies, Procedures and Prophecies

This miracles keeps on getting better all the time and sometimes I even have a little confusion about what will happen next. I often ask God for direction and when I do I usually get it quickly.

The first few parts of this recording were done separate, but later I decided to set the microphone down and record him. You can actually hear me in the kitchen making something to eat. In some of the recordings things may start off a little fuzzy until the connection gets a little better. This is one of them. However, there are parts of it that are very clear as well. So if you can't get some of it, please don't give up and hear it to the end because it has some incredible things in it.

Also, it first begins with me asking about the news. Current news at the time was reporting somewhat on the relief efforts in Puerto Rico after the hurricane that devastated the island. A month after hurricane Maria  there were over a million people without proper drinking water and almost as many more without enough food and electricity. So that is what we are referring to in the beginning. Danny is still new to recording and I have not taken a video of him yet. That may happen soon in the future, but for now I find the recordings much easier and faster to do then the videos. Keep in mind also that I am willing to supply any organization with backups of the audio files that I have recorded for verification showing they have not been tampered with in any way.

Part 1

(for) Ryan asks: How was your day today? Danny responds: I watched you work. Ryan asks if Danny has a preference for what to watch on TV. Danny responds: You can choose what

(rev) you think of. Ryan: Soon they get relief. Nothing less, or some will be dead. Listening to this media we have an account of it. In all the relief, can more live? Is the answer God? Humans will need to show compassion and add their relief.

Part 2

(for) Yeah,

(rev) right now.

Part 3

(for) Why is a bird worrying and researching for God? So much will be here for you to hear.

(rev) Ryan can raise through his captions, the answers.

Part 4

(for) It's your choice if you want to listen. You've got to believe these things that Danny is saying now. Do you think Ryan is cheating you?

(rev) Do you believe God is real and that He's living? If you have a problem understanding, speak with Him.

Part 5

(for) If it's not a miracle here, your talk is cheap. Many that we know will be guarding Danny here.

(rev) Your attention will be better using some headphones. You've got to use them to

Part 6

(for) hear us. If you're in public, it is an option. You can re-listen too, later. Pick a good time when you listen.

(rev) You may be able to hear intelligent thoughts of Danny. You'll probably hear a good part of what we have. (Ryan makes noise in the kitchen) Not when you're hearing that!

Part 7

(for) We need some of  the kids who are here to respect instructions. Everybody can't know what we have learned. We believe in you but, please don't give captions. You've got to respect what may be causing problems. We have a right to

 (rev) avert this problem and ask you to leave here. If you're here to constantly challenge Ryan, you shall not be welcome. Every obstacle we will encounter, we know, and we will see through. You have to have respect for this.

Part 8

(for) If you can't hear that, and it's a big deal, it's been made so you can't hear it. You'll have to abide clearly anyway.

(rev) So you have to try so you'll believe, or leave this forum. Abusement of any other shall be evil.

Part 9

(for) If there is any during a working day, you're dealing with God. Even Ryan gets admonishments if he reacts with evil.

(rev) We will know you're here to make trouble congregate, seriously. This way Ryan will know what he needs to do.

Part 10

(for) If we sense evil, we'll let the people know and we will relinquish your membership when we know you won't try. So you kids stay all awake

(rev) or you will miss this. What is a prophet in religion? We'll tell you how you know what's really involved. He is active

Part 11

(for) through every angel where they're giving a religious commitment. They give

(rev) everything you will need in your religion, like Ryan right here.

Part 12

(for) Ryan doesn't like to be named a prophet, but there will be many who believe it. Once you see what happens you'll know.

(rev) He always can reverse some evil in many religions in the world. And evil will often confront him

Part 13

(for) here. We know that he will be near work to do that ensues it's special in the region.

(rev) We know that most of us will count on his prophecies that originate from heaven. Ryan

Part 14

(for) is not an angel, but he knows the angels who choose to serve us and all of his people.

(rev) When he has a problem he's always in touch with the angels and he'll hear them speak.

Part 15

(for) We know he can enlist the people and be ready to help them. He has a mission for others to make the future better.

(rev) He reverses evil so often you'll feel it. And once he is in pure evil he'll seek a prophecy to help him.

Part 16

(for) We all have to resist our evil for it arrests spiritual evolution. We don't want to regress because we'll never get to heaven.

(rev) The next section we'll revert to prophecy also. We'll have some prophecies that will help Ryan in religion for life.



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