Beautiful People Reversed by Ed Sheeran and Khalid


This is the words to the song with the hidden messages from Reverse:

They are feeling I might find, find, find God. How does Heaven realize I'm, I'm, I'm alive and would have time today? It's their theory that I might find, find, find how I would fancy God's mission. Well, let's review someone who understands it.

Someone who will admit there's Angels spirits who are everlasting. Someone who adores the people who watch and share for the prophets who recommend these philosophies. Those Angels really never forget if you know prophecy. With God's help that someone is reaching out to you and brings this forth to humanity. We'd like most of you to trust this, and that change for you for religion, may come in music. We know there is more. Our music shall mention God and all of the Angels more, for I love Heaven. If I know something's worth chasing, I know it's real, and not an illusion.

That's why I trust Heaven. My heart trusts Heaven when I find, find, find how it will enhance life. God's love is carrying the light, that guides, guides, guides our new world and I'm safe and won't question all of this good news. Each morning God shall give us more love of the Angels who give us religion.

Those that are safe, will know there is more knowledge and truth, and will watch the shepherd that will realize that God will be fulfilling man's path that is destined. While lambs are sick, they'll need shelter somewhere that's hidden in our journey, and it shall support life. We must salute trust, for it's our tour guide that leads when we live for Him. Ryan is devoted with an Archangel, and for now we'll do it in the name backed by us. The one who is knowing it's from our God leads in our event, for this man who needed Heaven is no zealot. Some are hearing this unique event. We must rely on the man who has promised many they're lessons of Heaven and find, find, finds the messages.


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