Prophetic Dream Interpretation Killing Two Dogs

Prophetic Dream Interpretation Killing Two Dogs

Posted by Adam: 04 Jun 2009 04:53 am

This is the dream that I had a few nights ago. I will be transcribing it next as it relates to the myspace forum.

I was in a field and there were these two dogs. I think I was looking after them. In the beginning I was all by myself. These dogs were typically good dogs, however, all of a sudden they began to nip and jump at me. I tried to push them away and even flee but they boxed me in and continued nipping at me and jumping towards me. There were some people in the distance and I yelled for their help. They just stood there in fear and did not know what to do. Finally Linda, my fiance came and asked if she could help me. I told her that there was no way that these dogs would stop what they were doing and we would have to do something drastic to protect ourselves. I told her to grab one of the dogs by the neck and strangle it to death, and I would do the same with the other one. Before I knew it we had both of the dogs on the ground and we had managed to kill them both. We were not happy that we had to do it but we knew that we had no choice. The people in the distance cheered as we left to go back to where our employer was.

When Linda and I reached the office of our employer, the boss immediately met us. He was upset with us and said "Why did you kill those dogs. I liked them." Before we had a chance to reply he said, "You both are fired and you have one day to leave." That was the end of the dream.

Posted by Chris: 22 Jul 2009 03:35 pm

I had this dream last night. I've not been checking the transcriptions for months and had not read Ryan's dream about killing two dogs.

I have run into Barbra, a friend of my mother's who I had known as a small infant and child, and had not seen for many years. The trait of Barbra I remember is her constant complaining about everything. After warm greetings she suggests what we go to her house to talk some more.

We reach her house, which has an old wood fence, with planks that are rather thick. The fence is rather tall. After we go through the gate and close it behind us two dogs come running up to us. They are happy to see Barbra and greet her as such and she greets them as such.

I wait a moment, expecting to be introduced, but Barbra just continues. The dogs turn their attention to me and instantly become threatening. I call to Barbra a couple times, but she seems to not hear me, walking around the house to the front door like an Automaton. My first instinct is to react to the dogs like Ceasar Milan, the "Dog Whisperer". I know that if I just put out my finger and go "Tsst" then I would have started the process to being the dog's friend. I do not do so because the dog's are not mine and I don't have permission. I do not have any fear through any of this.

As I attempt to call to Barbra to introduce me to the dogs, one gets a hold of my forearm. He starts to shake it violently. I can see many deep puncture wounds in my forearm and I am bleeding. I call to Barbra just as she finishes walking around a patio area and disappears around the other side of the house. I am unafraid at this and calmly decide that in order to prevent myself from being very badly hurt I will have to use the Ceasar Milan techniques without permission.

Post by Adam: I do not believe these dreams got transcribed, however, this is a confirmation in itself, in a different way. It shows how there can be a right and a wrong way to reverse evil and how God and the angels connects the visionaries spiritually even in our dreams.



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All these dreams are transcribed by R. Reynolds while he is in receival. They are written exactly as he hears them. Only minor alterations have been made to correct spelling mistakes and grammar. The dates, transcriptions and prophecies have not been altered to coincide with future events so you can trust in the confirmations in the articles provided. If you would like to have a dream transcribed or get involved and experience the dream transcriptions and prophecies personally, please contact