What does a prophet have to learn, what is expected of a prophet of God and what really is a modern day prophet?

This is a transcript that came from the angels in Nov 2014. It relates to some of the training that I have went through in the past 10 years and some that I am going through still on a daily basis.

  1. He has to expect that there will be some problems in his life.
  2. He has to realize that there will be confusion from the product of his problems.
  3. He has to have a philosophy that will release him from the illusion that he will never reverse some evil that is in the world.
  4. He has to rely on God to give him direction when he needs it.
  5. He has to try to reverse evil whenever he encounters it so it will not cause more evil.
  6. He must believe that the prophecies given by God will happen when he can follow the direction of God.
  7. He has to believe that each event that is connected to the transcriptions in this religion are the grace of God's intervention.
  8. He has to have a vision of prophecy that is a mission with God.
  9. He must also want to reverse some of the confusion of the prophets that have caused problems in the past.
  10. When there is a prophecy, he will need to believe in it even when no one else will.
  11. He can't rely on people to help him when he needs some support, but he can accept it when they do.
  12. A prophet should never have a release of evil that could cause an evil event, as he must learn how to reverse his own evil. Several prophets obviously have fallen short in this area in the past.
  13. He should have no fear of rejection, and welcome criticism. This will cause many problems if one doesn't learn how.
  14. Prophets need to have a vision of this religion that is the same as the vision of God. He must always give his best effort to connect with a prophecy or mission of his God.
  15. If he could find a reason to listen to those who love him, he can begin to have progress. When we are consumed by fear and confusion, always be open to what family says if you want to have progress.
  16. When we have a vision and mission of God, we will have to trust in Him.
  17. If a prophet is on a mission to release the blockages, he will also need to be truthful and compassionate to those who are suffering.
  18. It will still be part of a mission that he chooses when he continues to provide prophecy. His transcriptions will not only consist of prophecy but lessons from God as well.
  19. If some will have objections to what he is doing, he will accept that they do not want to be part of it.
  20. He shall not cause problems with an exaggerated ego and he should find a reason to ask for forgiveness to anyone he has harmed in the past.
  21. He should also accept that other prophets may have a vision that is different and can cause problems for him and let God deal with the issues.
  22. Even when he has confusion he will not act out in an evil way. He must also embrace responsibility to prevent evil in God's religion.
  23. If he encounters some evil he must know what direction to take with God. He must accept evil will always be beckoning him and it has a reason to lead him away from spiritual evolution.
  24. And a prophet must have reason to seek the progress when he is expecting a prophecy to unfold.
  25. It is really important that a prophet does not interject their own thoughts and feelings in a transcription unless it is infused in the explanation of the dream. It is their mission to help people experience this religion and they have to follow its process.
  26. When he has a reaction to evil he will react as a visionary on a mission of love and understanding and not be exempt of anything.
  27. He shall not project a false vision of his God using the transcriptions he can provide to others.
  28. When God gives him lessons he should accept the reasons for them and release them as soon as he gets them.
  29. We hope this transcript will be fair to prophets, for each of God's angels have been through this process.

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