Prophetic Dream Interpretation The Caterpillar Maze

Prophetic Dream Interpretation The Caterpillar Maze

I worked on this transcription in my campsite trailer on Sunday, Oct 12 and Linda posted the transcription Monday the 13th of October while I was at work. There is a prophecy in this transcription that came with multiple confirmations. The first confirmation came almost immediately, on the 13th of Oct. when we got back from our trailer on Monday evening. The prophecy stated that there would be some major positive developments with regards to Ebola before next Tuesday, 21 Oct.  We never thought that the confirmation would come so quickly. The second and third confirmation came on Monday, the 20th of October as predicted. The fourth and most compelling confirmation demonstates how a Caterpillar is involved in fighting ebola as well. The confirmations are posted below.

Dream by Adam Kadman Oct 8 2013

This was a vision within a dream. It started with an image of a small lizard or salamander. When I saw it, it reminded me of a friend or something that I liked. All of a sudden before my eyes it transformed into a beautiful caterpillar that was yellow and black. While watching the transformation I was in awe of how it changed in front of me and for some reason it looked very beautiful as well. A few seconds later there was three caterpillars and they were inside this glass horizontal maze crawling through it towards the bottom. It seemed like they were doing remarkable things to find their way out and I was amazed at how intelligent they seemed to be.

Dream transcribed by Adam Kadmon Oct 12, 2014

1. Do not fear if you meet a prophet, for this is part of your mission. Even caterpillars come from something that has a different mission.
2. Even a prophecy of evil can be transformed into something that can be used for good.
3. Many seek a reason for believing in modern day prophecy, for we need a religion that can show devotion to God. When we combine a prophecy within a vision and dream, we promise there will be a great confirmation.
4. Adam had a vision of a lizard that changed to something that was a vision of beauty, even when we know some would not see it the same way.
5. We can promise this mission is ordained by God, and you will see its transformation before your very eyes.
6. So, this is a project in transformation and we all know what the final mission of a caterpillar is.
7. If you obstruct its mission of evolution, it will head in a different direction. It will usually choose to survive and climb through any maze of evil it will encounter along the way.
8. Each of us has a mission to evolve into something which is beautiful and even when we are in the maze of confusion, we will eventually make it through without this evil controlling what we are truly born to do.
9. What does prophecy have to do with us? It will give you a mission that will provide you with a vision of a future where you can evolve through each maze of evil.
10. This whole vision exists in a metaphysical form that reacts to evil, just like this caterpillar was stuck in the maze of confusion. And Adam was excited watching this caterpillar find its way through.
11. And when you are on your mission, God is watching you and He is encouraging you during your transition. He knows that when you exit from the confusion you shall be back on the right path and He counts on you making it to the final stage.    
12. He gave you this spiritual mission when He plucked you from evil, and sent you back to try again. But each time you return you are cleansed of evil and transformed into something more beautiful and given a new direction that helps you to avoid the maze of confusion and evil.
13. A lost life would lose their hope and just give up if God had no hope that you would never make it to heaven to join Him. There is a reason you have endless opportunities to accomplish your mission.
14. Is it worth it for us to begin to move in the direction that God has originally made us for and how do we begin to show spiritual evolution? And why have these two questions been strung together?
15. If God did not show you that there are many good reasons to spiritually evolve, then we would seek none and we would remain in confusion.
16. If we are obstructed in a world corrupted by evil, we cannot give up on our true mission or we shall surely succumb to this maze of confusion and we shall reach a point where we are spiritually devolving.
17. In this vision there were 3 caterpillars in this maze. Each one was moving in a different direction even though they were all moving forward in the maze. How is it they could be moving forward in their spiritual evolution but they were moving in different directions if there is only one way to traverse through this maze?
18. We know they have a new decision to make when they move through this evil, and they might try many things to find their way. Some of them will have to be remembered so they do not do them again and some they will need to do over again, until the outcome is clear. However, they each take the direction they feel will move them forward in their mission. If their fight was gone, they would stop and be stuck in this maze until they died.
19. You have reason to move forward in your spiritual evolution just as these caterpillars did, even though you are in confusion and evil. And if you rely on your God to assist you, He will help you to reach the finish, before you are physically incapable of moving forward at all.
20. God will shorten your suffering while you are traveling in the physical structure that restricts your growth. He shall provide you with extraordinary ways to see to the final opening.
21. Now let us see how He makes prophecy.  
22. There will be an event that happens very soon that will involve a caterpillar that will prove that they have respect for life. We will see how they are preserving life. It will get reported very soon and show how each of them have a mission of spiritual growth. We shall see how they have used the reasoning of God to advance to the next stage of their existence.
23. This is a gift from God, so make some use of it. God is aware of this evil virus that is causing much death and suffering in parts of Africa. He knows there will be a cure for it found very soon. This is part of this prophecy here.
24. He knows this virus is causing much confusion and needs His intervention to help you work through it.    
25. We promise there will be a breakthrough that will be broadcast by next Tuesday. They will make progress that will prevent a lot of people from suffering.
26. God wants His people to see a transformation that shows that this event is nothing less than miraculous. It will show how Adam has a gift for prophecy and how it will change a prophecy of evil.   
27. When vision is accompanied with a dream it will often have intervention from God. And right now we have a vision of death and suffering in Africa, and you need a dream that seeks intervention from God.
28. These people who are in confusion will need to find a reason to not give up so they can survive for this virus will be eliminated.
29. God, He contests that His wrath is upon them, and they shall know He is watching and will soon be helping them.
30. You will survive from this evil, and you shall learn from it, once it is reversed. And each time we reverse some evil a miracle will happen.
31. The reason that this event has risen is due to humanities confusion that was created from the worst evil.
32. You have some reason to see how evil is evolving in many regions of the world today, so you must seek out reasons to reverse it before it is too late.
33. We can see how it can raise its ugly head without any compassion and how it can affect the future of humanity.
34. So let us rely on God to work through His people to counteract this virus of destruction. We all deserve a reason to have a future of less suffering and death.
35. With this vision of a future we shall find a solution to all the things that threatens the survival of humanity.
36. When these people are free from this evil, the angels shall be rejoicing with God.    
37. This vision of a lizard that transformed into a caterpillar shall be remembered forever.  


Here is the news articles:

Confirmation 1

October 13, 2014 2:10 pm - Canadian-made Ebola vaccine to start clinical trials in healthy humans


Watch above: Clinical trials of an experimental vaccine, developed in Canada, are beginning. But as Jacques Bourbeau reports, the news is tempered by fears the first case may turn up in Canada before the vaccine is ready.
TORONTO – An experimental Canadian-made Ebola vaccine will begin a clinical trials Monday in what officials are calling a promising development in the fight against the deadly disease.
The vaccine will be tested on healthy individuals to see how well it works, whether there are side effects and what the proper dosage is, Health Minister Rona Ambrose said in a news conference.
“The Canadian vaccine provides great hope and promise because it has shown to be 100 per cent effective in preventing the spread of the Ebola virus when tested on animals,” she said.
If it proves safe and effective in humans, the vaccine could help stop the devastating outbreak that has killed thousands of people in west Africa, she said.
Studies in primates have shown this vaccine works in primates both to prevent infection when given before exposure and to increase survival chances when given quickly after exposure.
READ MORE: What you need to know about Canada’s contribution to Ebola vaccines
A small U.S. company called NewLink Genetics holds the licence for the vaccine and will be arranging the trials, to be conducted in a lab in Silver Spring, Md.
Ambrose said the results are expected in December, with the vaccine to be deployed shortly after.
NewLink said earlier this month that at least five clinical trials involving the vaccine, known as VSV-EBOV, would soon be under way in the United States, Germany, Switzerland and in an unnamed African country which is not battling Ebola.
As well, the Canadian government has said it wants to conduct a trial in this country.
© The Canadian Press, 2014

Confirmation 2

Monday, Oct 20th 2014 - More Positive Ebola News

It’s been 21 days and none of the people in closest contact with Thomas Eric Duncan in the days before he was hospitalized has gotten sick. That includes his fiancée Louise Troh and her children, who were in a small Dallas apartment with an increasingly ill Duncan for days, and forcibly kept inside for days afterward.

No one else has carried Ebola into the country yet, and since Wednesday, no more nurses or other health care workers who took care of Duncan have been infected.

What has been seen is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other experts predicted would happen — that someone might carry Ebola into the United States, and that they might even infect a few other people. What CDC has always promised is that it would stop there.

“I for one, am quite encouraged by the fact that 21 days have elapsed and Thomas Duncan’s family have not become ill,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior associate at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School’s Center for Health Security. “It’s further evidence of what public health specialists have been saying: that this virus is not easily transmitted.”

Confirmation 3

Monday, October 20, 2014 Last updated at 11:48 ET - More Good News On Ebola- Nigeria Declares Itself Ebola Free  

Nigeria has been declared officially free of Ebola after six weeks with no new cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

WHO representative Rui Gama Vaz, speaking in the capital Abuja, said it was a "spectacular success story".

Nigeria won praise for its swift response after a Liberian diplomat brought the disease there in July.

The outbreak has killed more than 4,500 people in West Africa, mostly in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.

An estimated 70% of those infected have died in those countries.

The WHO officially declared Senegal Ebola-free on Friday.

Meanwhile, European Union foreign ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to discuss how to strengthen their response to the threat posed by Ebola.

Speaking on the sidelines, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said he expected the meeting to appoint a co-ordinator to galvanise the EU's response to the epidemic.

"My colleagues are unanimous in saying that this idea of a European co-ordinator for the fight against Ebola is a good idea. The name will be chosen in the coming days. I think it's a very important step."

European countries have committed more than 500m euros (£400m; $600m) but the UK is pressing to double that amount.

Will Ross in Nigeria spoke to a doctor about how to treat the early stages

The money is being sought to help reinforce over-stretched healthcare systems in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea and to mitigate the damage Ebola is doing to their economies.

Earlier, the Spanish government said a nurse who became the first person to contract Ebola outside West Africa had tested negative for the virus.


In the last video in this article a women prays to God that He can use her blood to help with a vaccine or serum. 

Confirmation 4

This is the final and probably the most compelling confirmation. Today, Oct 28, I was wondering what this section meant in the transcript.

Now let us see how He makes prophecy.  
22. There will be an event that happens very soon that will involve a caterpillar that will prove that they have respect for life. We will see how they are preserving life. It will get reported very soon and show how each of them have a mission of spiritual growth. We shall see how they have used the reasoning of God to advance to the next stage of their existence.
23. This is a gift from God, so make some use of it. God is aware of this evil virus that is causing much death and suffering in parts of Africa. He knows there will be a cure for it found very soon. This is part of this prophecy here.

So I did a search for caterpillar ebola in Google and this press release is what I came up with almost immediately. It came out again on Monday, as prophecied in the transcript, which was the day before next Tuesday

Million in ONE to Advance Ebola Advocacy

October 20, 2014

Caterpillar contact:
Lisa Miller
Global Government & Corporate Affairs
(309) 494-4566


Caterpillar Foundation Invests $1 Million in ONE to Advance Ebola Advocacy

Support for The ONE Campaign will sustain response to Ebola crisis and support education and advocacy to strengthen health systems across Africa

PEORIA, Ill. – In the wake of the Ebola crisis, the Caterpillar Foundation announced today that it will provide an additional $1 million to the $7.5 million investment made to The ONE Campaign for its advocacy work in the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease in Africa, particularly to boost the organization’s response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.  

“Our work to address extreme poverty and its symptomatic ills will be deeply affected if Ebola is not stopped,” said Caterpillar Foundation President Michele Sullivan. “As a foundation, we feel there is a human and economic imperative to help ensure that health systems in Africa are strong and resilient. ONE is one of the best organizations advocating on global health issues and has recently been at the forefront of Ebola policy and advocacy efforts.  This investment will leverage those skills to ensure the urgency of the Ebola crisis and its damaging effects on global health systems remains a top priority for political leadership and the public.  The outcomes will help government officials put healthcare policies and measures into place aimed at protecting the citizens and stopping the spread of Ebola.”

ONE has responded vigorously to the Ebola crisis, with a particular focus on: resource mobilization and donor accountability; communications and advocacy messaging and social mobilization among its two million African members. (RED), a division of ONE, helps to amplify this work through creative and innovative storytelling platforms.

“As this crisis unfolds, this partnership will allow ONE to continue to advocate for short- and long-term responses to Ebola, acknowledging the effects the disease is having on every sector of society,” said Michael Elliott, ONE president and CEO. “Ebola has not only taken more than 4,000 lives—it has also broken down health systems, closed schools, shut down agricultural markets and hampered economic growth. There’s much to be done to support the countries affected in the short term and then helping them rebuild stronger than before.”

The Caterpillar Foundation has invested $30 million in Africa since 2010.

About the Caterpillar Foundation:
Caterpillar Inc. supports the philanthropic efforts of the Caterpillar Foundation. Founded in 1952, the Caterpillar Foundation has contributed more than $550 million to help make sustainable progress possible around the world by providing program support in the areas of environmental sustainability, access to education and basic human needs. To learn more about the global impact of the Caterpillar Foundation, please visit

About Caterpillar:
For nearly 90 years, Caterpillar Inc. has been making sustainable progress possible and driving positive change on every continent. Customers turn to Caterpillar to help them develop infrastructure, energy and natural resource assets. With 2013 sales and revenues of $55.656 billion, Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The company principally operates through its three product segments - Resource Industries, Construction Industries and Energy & Transportation - and also provides financing and related services through its Financial Products segment. For more information, visit To connect with us on social media, visit

Final Note: I bolded a part in the segment that mentions the 3 areas that the caterpillar works under as well. Interesting how there were three caterpillars in the transcript.


Confirmation 5 -


We finally have an effective Ebola vaccine. The war on the disease is about to change.

A study confirmed that the new vaccine is 100 percent effective.

Updated by


Ebola vaccine gives 100% protection, study finds




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All transcriptions by Ryan Reynolds are © copyrighted and they may be used in sermons and spiritual meetings. However, they may not be reproduced and distributed in any form without the written permission of Ryan Reynolds (The New Adam Kadmon). If used on websites you are required to make references in each transcript to the author and website

All these dreams are transcribed by R. Reynolds while he is in receival. They are written exactly as he hears them. Only minor alterations have been made to correct spelling mistakes and grammar. The dates, transcriptions and prophecies have not been altered to coincide with future events so you can trust in the confirmations in the articles provided. If you would like to have a dream transcribed or get involved and experience the dream transcriptions and prophecies personally, please contact