Message To Visionaries

This is a remarkable forward/reverse recording of Maylor telling the story of past visionaries, as well as talking about changes that will happen with the new quantum reversals that I am doing now. Keep in mind that during the past we had many problems because for one, I did not really have a full understanding of what was happening and secondly, I was not demonstrating the videos using the quantum reversal method. Now that people can actually see and hear Victor and Maylor saying these things, we should gain some more belief. Not only that, God and the angels will be clearly helping us along the way.

This is what Maylor said:

Part 1
(for) Ready Ryan? We're starting change here.
(rev) Can you see something now? (The two of us have your image.)
Part 2
(for) Some people know that I'm certainly talking perfect.
(rev) We'll have people who will want a reason
Part 3
(for) you stare at it. Did you put a tape in it?
(rev) There will be some who think you're speaking and they will watch you.
Part 4
(for) Soon they'll see it's really worth it
(rev) if they will listen to this life who speaks.
Part 5
(for) If they look enough at my breathing
(rev) they're able to see my throat.
Part 6
(for) We knew captions here would be good.
(rev) They will lead the experience here early.
Part 7
(for) When Brad's back he has a
(rev) goal and tries to help you.
Part 8
(for) We have learned, according to Brad's direct action, he has found that
(rev) another mission surely is not enough. You're on your own.
Part 9
(for) Keep true to yourself. When somebody want's something, it's simple to accept
(rev) this. If there's no compassion, then they aren't helping.
Part 10
(for) Looking back raised a monster while they talk, talk, talk, talk. When they look for help
(rev) they are forgiven. To help is knowing where it's needed.
Part 11
(for) Certainly, they'll repair it right with your help and Brad's big heart.
(rev) They are free to help when they show they're accurate here.
Part 12
(for) We have to with effort remember that mere passion
(rev) doesn't mean you forget who has failed.
Part 13
(for) The dour do not believe it happened naturally. Tisk, tisk, tisk, tisk.
(rev) I imagine we will never know
Part 14
(for) what data was left to annoy or to repair our point?
(rev) You must know that seriously, there are answers.
Part 15
(for) These works are a model for
(rev) your life's account and history.
Part 16
(for) Thanks for now hearing my true story.
(rev) Most of you hearing past audio
Part 17
(for) were hard even when they were talking bad back and forth.
(rev) How often they would hurt me or Ryan. Normally, we have
Part 18
(for) compassion if they allow too much, and not air compulsion.
(rev) We will start to reassure you, with effort our offense
Part 19
(for) shall devert some evil encountered.
(rev) And if you leave us having
Part 20
(for) change that won't be forgot, we've done the job
(rev) that can later help you evolve. You will see (things here)
Part 21
(for) that will be a part of your conscious inventory so you can aplomb it. (have confidence in it)
(rev) A new beginning we offer you in our fight to resist
Part 22
(for) the reacting force so it won't take over. Something more,
(rev) most people know if they have changed. There are people
Part 23
(for) whose next story might be here and can't ignore that I'm speaking.
(rev) We will need to show that Ryan's right if they come here again.
Part 24
(for) There might be a friend we may know who has helped momentarily, but
(rev) how can you offer any good help when you need to endorse fearing God?
Part 25
(for) We're not looking for every passion submitted
(rev) that free a new way (being nice is not enough) to offer your beliefs.
Part 26
(for) We could not revert to the passion of every belief
(rev) individually that are made everywhere.
Part 27
(for) Answers will be shown as you watch the work of miracles everywhere.
(rev) We're making paths you might use to march through. Ryan has talked to me and told me the story.
His path will always be open. 

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